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لعبة Need For Speed Shift Repack Full Rip كاااملة 2011

لعبة Need For Speed Shift Repack Full Rip كاااملة 2011 الحاجة إلى سرعة تحول --

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24 لعبة Need For Speed Shift Repack Full Rip كاااملة 2011

لعبة Need Speed Shift Repack Full كاااملة 2011

الحاجة إلى سرعة تحول -- علامة فارقة جديدة في تطور من سلسلة سباقات الأسطوري الحاجة إلى السرعة. هذه "الحاجة للسرعة" كنت لم أر! سباقات غير قانونية في شوارع المدن ليلة في الماضي. أنت الآن في انتظار مزيد من سباقات السيارات خطيرة ، حيث في الترتيب اشعال المشاعر خطيرة ، والسيارات على الطريق لسرعة غير متوفرة في أي سيارة رياضية على الطرق السريعة في المدن! الحاجة إلى سرعة التحول يركز على الواقعية ومذهلة لم يسبق لها مثيل. هنا لم تشاهد فقط السيارة والمسار ، ولكن كنت تشعر كل منعطف ، كل تلة وتحت كل حصاة عجلة القيادة. عن طريق التحكم في الكرات النارية من الجو بسبب القيادة ، وسوف تحصل على تجربة لا تنسى. ينقل اللعبة تماما شعور السائق الذي يندفع بسرعة كبيرة على طريق متعرج. كنت تعتمد قليلا على تحول ، حتى يلقي على التلال والاهتزازات بلا هوادة ، ويتحول والاهتزازات في الحادث.

Year: 2009
Genres: Arcade / Racing (Cars) / Simulator / 3D
Developer: Slightly Mad Studios / EA Black Box
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platform: PC

Minimum system requirements:
• Pentium 4 3.2 GHz
• 1 GB of RAM (2 GB for Vista)
• Video card with support for pixel shader version 3 and 256 MB of video
• 10 GB of free space on hard drive
• Operating system Windows XP SP3 or Windows Vista SP1

Recommended system requirements:
• Intel Core 2 Duo 2,5 GHz
• 2 GB of RAM (3 GB for Vista)
• Video card with support for pixel shader version 3 and 512 MB of video
• 10 GB of free space on hard drive
• Operating system Windows XP SP3 or Windows Vista SP1

Publication Type: license
********: Russian (RUS), English (ENG), German (GER), Spanish (SPA), Polish (POL), Dutch (NL), Italian (ITA), Hungarian (HUN), French (FRE), Slovak ( CS)
Tablet: Is present

Game features:
• The screen will turn into a windshield. The game is so accurately conveys the feeling of a driver that familiar surroundings disappears and the screen turns into a windshield bearing the insane speed of car. Looking at going on the driver’s eyes, you will feel the influence of inertia and gravity, as well as his own eyes see how to change the world, when the speedometer off scale. At high speed vision is fully focused on the road, and all the next items, as it were blurred.
• Who are you? A special system keeps track of your Driver Profile evolution in the game and create your unique image of the rider. It takes into account many parameters, including driving style, the number of wins and points scored for virtuoso traveled corners and committed overtaking. Driver Profile affect career development and even on how to open up new machines.
• Unforgettable accident. Faced with another car or a static obstacle that you really feel a party to a serious accident. Complex combination of sound and visual effects create an amazing illusion of presence. Is it easy to real racers continue to race after a collision at high speed? Now you know it yourself!
• Comprehensive tuning! The car in your power, do with it what you want. Tuning is required for two tasks. First, it allows you to get the car such behavior on the track, which you need. Secondly, he makes the car unique. You can experiment with both the appearance of the car, and with the interior decoration.
• Realistic cars and tracks. You can sit behind the wheel of 70 vehicles, meticulously copied from the actually existing machines. Among them Pagani Zonda F, Audi RS4 and Porsche 911 GT3 RSR. Races are held both in the present tracks like Willow Springs and Laguna Seca, and on false routes, for example, in the heart of London, and Tokyo.
• Collective race. In a single career in the game are a few collective modes of the network.
• From the creators of GT Legends and GTR 2. Along with studio Black Box over the game worked as a team Slightly Mad Studios, became famous for the serious sports autosimulator GT Legends and GTR 2.

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